Sunday, February 20, 2011


Internet is so slow, and I just can't retype the post that it just lost. It's been a very long day here with a lot of news coming in over the hours. We obviously still have electricty and internet, though most phone services are out. We're very thankful to have internet.

Our landlord came by today to meet with us. We really appreciate that. He wants to install his son and his cousin in an empty apartment to help protect the property. He offered for his son to go out and get any supplies we needs and gave us some helpful advice about the situation here. I think we're under a curfew tonight.

Early tomorrow we go to try and get exit visas in our passports in case we need them. If we really needed to get out without one, we could; but it would make coming back potentially more difficult, which issomething we'd like to avoid.

Our emotions and energies are a little fried. We'll try to check in again tomorrow morning.